Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just Wanted To Say...

...that I honestly have more pride in the brave women who have joined me to vent their innermost feelings here in this forum, than I've had in anyone or anything in a long time.

Sure, we all post anonymously, big deal. Most people can't even do even that!
Most women, sadly, bottle up their feelings & frustrations until they consume them from the inside out.
That's just sad.
I know there are other forums such as 'post secret' and 'TWC', both of which I enjoy checking out from time to time, however, this forum, our forum, allows the writer the freedom of posting when they want, saying what they feel and most importantly, knowing that their post made the short trip from their innermost thoughts to the electronic page without so much as one go-between.
The other forums, sadly, cannot boast such a freedom.
Each one, although interesting in their own right, requires the writer to 'submit' their secret and/or confession & wait.
Wait for said information to arrive in a PO box, or wait for it to suddenly magically appear in cyberspace.
I like knowing that my co-authors set their own hours, make their own rules, and decide when & how to share whatever it is they're needing to get off their chest.

Ladies, I just wanted to take this moment to tell you all that I do believe this is the start of something much bigger than all of us and I'm beyond proud to have you all along for the ride, wherever it may take us.


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