Sunday, July 1, 2007

Miss Manners

I have a problem and I need some advice. My biggest pet peeve in the world is when I take the time out of my day to send someone and email, whether it's to just say hi, or to sent over something I found that I thought the other person may be interested in, and I get no reply. People are busy, I know this. But if I can find 2 minuets to send an email, and the recipient can take the 30secs to read it...why can't he/she find 2 minuets to reply. I'm not looking for War and Peace of replies, just a "Hey I"m busy I'll catch up later" or " That was cool thanks for thinking of me". If these people have the time to update personal websites, shouldn't they have the time for me. Or are they trying to tell me something.?? Maybe I"m not as important to them as they are too me. Am I trying to hold onto friendships that aren't there. It breaks my heart that someday Mikhail will look at pictures and say "Who is that" to people I always thought would be included in his life, even from a distance. God knows I have been guilty of not replying sometimes, but there seem to be repeat offenders. So what do I do. Do I try to keep the fires of friendship burning, or do I snuff them out and move on?


Pierre Lira said...

Hey! Don't worry! Some people (like me) don't like reading and answering e-mails. But it doesn't mean they forgot you. I prefer Orkut, MySpace...

Sorry the English. I'm brazilian and I started an Enligsh course this year.

baregymfeet said...

hmm, i would say maybe faze them out. write fewer emails to them or wait longer between them. maybe even ask them what's going on, maybe they are at a really tough place. don't give up too easily, especially if they were really good friends at one time. sometimes it just takes awhile to get back. but if they just seem to be ignoring you, don't waist your time.