Sunday, March 18, 2007

ok so after all the shit happened with my brother in law & his psycho ex gf or whatever the hell she is I decided to write an e-mail to all of them and explain what actually happened rather than just go along with the half story psycho bitch was telling everyone. So, I sent the e-mail to my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, psycho bitch and my wife so that way everyone got the same story and we wouldn't have to repeat ourselves over and over again about what was actually written. So, psycho bitch read it first and forwarded it to my MIL at work because for some reason it couldn't wait until she got home from work. So my MIL tells the psycho bitch to "just let it go" and ignore my e-mail. She goes on to say that she and my father in law have already formed their opinions about how they feel abouth both me and the psycho bitch. Then proceeds to tell her that they consider her part of the family. So, basically she's taking her side to "keep the peace" so they can have a realtionship with their grand daughter. Psycho bitch is the type of person to use the kid against you if you're not nice to her for if she's pissed off at you. In my e-mail I called the psycho bitch out and basically told the entire story including what she was telling me rather than the story she's been telling everyone which only includes what I said cause that's how pyscho drama craving bitches are. Well, my mother in law reads the email and then goes onto my brother in laws email (they are on the same AOL account) and DELETES it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya, you read that right. She went and DELETED the fucking email I sent him DEFENDING myself and telling the TRUTH!!!!! Who fucking does that?! A CONTROLING situation manipulating bitch. The worst part is that my wife relentlessly defends her mother. ALL OF THE TIME and it's so fucking annoying!!!!!!

The worst part is that next week is my wife's birthday and her douchebag of a brother is going to be at our house for a few HOURS. I'm going to go fucking nuts and choke him!!!!

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