Thursday, March 29, 2007

To My "Mother in Law"

I hate you. I think that you are a vindictive, controlling, manipulating person. The fact that you concern yourself with EVERYTHING that goes on in your childrens lives even though they are GROWN adults is irritating. Then you go and cry poor me when it comes back to bite you in the ass! My BIL's ex gf wrote a skathing blog about me and I sent you an email telling you that it's basically your fault it's escalated to this because you chose to ignore the situation in the first place! Had you taken the time to reply to my e-mail or even acknowledge what I had to say I wouldn't have been SO pissed off. Now, you're going around telling people you don't know what to do and that you "barely talks to your daughter as it is". That's complete bullshit! You talk to her at least once every day. Could you please make me look like more of an asshole to everyone???

Yesterday I get a friend request from my other BIL - yes the one who passed away over a year ago. Funny, I don't think he's sending me myspace messages from the beyond! No, it's YOU trying to get access to my profile to see what I have on there because it's set as private. Why you ask? Because said ex gf went crying to you about all the horrible things I was writing about her. Yet, she can't see my profile either cause it's PRIVATE. What is the deal with people being so concerned about what everyone else is doing? You're fifty years old for crying out loud! Get a damn life already!

The worst part of all of this is that it has caused a HUGE rift in my marriage because I've had enough and I don't want to be a part of the "family" anymore. Nor, do I want anything to do with any of them. However, my wife says that I can't pick and chose which parts of her life I am a part of so it's all or nothing. So, apparently my feelings aren't as important as hers so I should just suffer? I should pretend that everything is fine and that I don't HATE them all??? Oh yes, I'm sure vacations and holidays will be pure bliss. I just can't do it and I may lose my wife because of it. I'm sure that would make her mother SO happy she'd probably piss herself.

I just don't know what to do anymore ...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Guys Suck

It's so unfair that I still think about my x. He broke up with me and I still want him back. It's been about 9 months now and I still miss him, even though I'm dating someone else. Isn't getting another boyfriend supposed to help you get over the x and forget about him. Instead it emphasizes the fact that my x was a great boyfriend. He's the one that is supposed to come to this realization, I already new this. He's the one that is supposed to see that I was a great girlfriend and that we were meant for each other. He's supposed to be sorry that he lost me. He's the one that is supposed to want to get back together. I'm supposed to find someone better than him so I can rub it in his face. I'm supposed to make him jealous. It isn't fair. He's supposed to come back to me. I feel kinda bad about having a boyfriend because part of the reason I'm with hims is so that if it ever comes up with my x I can rub it in his face that I have someone. But this guy isn't the one. I know this, I don't know if he knows it, but I do. I still think my x is the one. I talk to him sometimes on the internet. It doesn't really help. But there are times when I don't even think about him for weeks and I'll wake up in the middle of the night wanting to cry because I was having a dream about him crying and praying to God that we would get back together. I don't cry about him when I'm awake anymore, only in my dreams. Why am I the one that is haunted by him? He should be the one regretting breaking up with me. He should be the one who's dreams are haunted. I hate that I'm not completely over him yet. I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to get over him, I want this to stop. I want him to not be able to get over me. I want him to realize that he made the biggest mistake in his life when he broke up with me.

All I have to say is GUYS SUCK!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

for the love of all that is holy!

After having a fabulous day yesterday my wife decides to start this conversation:

Wife: how much do you know about loans?
Me: A bit, why?
wife: Can someone use thier car to secure a loan?
Me: I guess it depends on the bank. If you own the car outright. Why are your parents thinking of getting a loan?
Wife: No, my mom asked me to take out a loan for her.

ummmm ... WHAT THE FUCK?! Granted, we're not poor, but we're not exactly swimming in the money!!! Not to mention that my wife's credit is FINALLY getting back to a semi-normal level after paying off her credit cards for the past 10 years!!! There is absolutely NO way that we're taking out a loan for her parents!! We barely have the money to cover our monthly bills. Not to mention that the entire reason that we're trying to pay off her credit cards is so we can refinance the house!!!

Long story short - my brother in law's (the one I actually liked) fiancee's mother co-signed a loan for him to get a car. He defaulted, car got repossessed. Now she's trying to refi her house and there is a problem w/ the bank b/c they can't find any record of the repossession which is a bunch of bullshit and they're trying to screw her. Now, my brother in law died almost 2 years ago and my MIL said she was going to pay her back for the loan with his life insurance money. Apparently she didn't do that so now she wants us to take out a loan to take care of all this bullshit. My wife feels bad for her mother because she has to deal with all these issues. I understand feeling bad, but we can't afford to help her!!!!!!!

My wife is such a pussy. She lets her mother influence her life WAAAAAY too much. She depends on her mother and has to ask her opinion for EVERYTHING. She needs to fucking stand up to her mother for once instead of allowing her to guilt her into doing something else!! I'm sick of dealing with all this bullshit because of it! Grow some balls, damn it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bitching about MEN!

So! I have been married for almost 9 years (OMG) and we have children. For some reason I cannot get him to be more involved with them. I mean he can bitch at me for I DONT cook supper for when he comes home BUT I do look after the kids all day while he works....when he me that is his break????

I think he may have bathed them twice in their is *my* job to do with everything else. I know he works hard but the kids are in bed at 7-730pm and he is home at 5pm and thats not giving him a whole lot of time to be with them.

Lately I am making ( Not making but kind of) LOL! him lay down with our oldest child so he is able to spend more time with her. I just feel that he would rather me do EVERYTHING....

Good points about dh:
cooks supper everynight.
helps keep the house clean......
many more but dont feel like listing them.

So folks! Am I wrong to feel this way??????????????????? I sometimes feel like a single mom with 2 kids.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

ok so after all the shit happened with my brother in law & his psycho ex gf or whatever the hell she is I decided to write an e-mail to all of them and explain what actually happened rather than just go along with the half story psycho bitch was telling everyone. So, I sent the e-mail to my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, psycho bitch and my wife so that way everyone got the same story and we wouldn't have to repeat ourselves over and over again about what was actually written. So, psycho bitch read it first and forwarded it to my MIL at work because for some reason it couldn't wait until she got home from work. So my MIL tells the psycho bitch to "just let it go" and ignore my e-mail. She goes on to say that she and my father in law have already formed their opinions about how they feel abouth both me and the psycho bitch. Then proceeds to tell her that they consider her part of the family. So, basically she's taking her side to "keep the peace" so they can have a realtionship with their grand daughter. Psycho bitch is the type of person to use the kid against you if you're not nice to her for if she's pissed off at you. In my e-mail I called the psycho bitch out and basically told the entire story including what she was telling me rather than the story she's been telling everyone which only includes what I said cause that's how pyscho drama craving bitches are. Well, my mother in law reads the email and then goes onto my brother in laws email (they are on the same AOL account) and DELETES it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya, you read that right. She went and DELETED the fucking email I sent him DEFENDING myself and telling the TRUTH!!!!! Who fucking does that?! A CONTROLING situation manipulating bitch. The worst part is that my wife relentlessly defends her mother. ALL OF THE TIME and it's so fucking annoying!!!!!!

The worst part is that next week is my wife's birthday and her douchebag of a brother is going to be at our house for a few HOURS. I'm going to go fucking nuts and choke him!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Trying to loose the POUNDS!

So, it has been since Jan 1st, 2007 that I "started" my diet. I dont think I have even lost a fricken inch off my ass or stomach!!

A few years back I weighed in at 110LBs and I am now 147LBS...........YES! Thats right folks..who would have thought I would gain that much in a year or so.

I eat healthy....dont exercise for I dont really have the time BUT I am getting pissed about the whole damn thing...... All I want to do is loose my stomach.....I dont need rolls hanging over my pants. I look at myself and dont like what I see.

I am a size 10 and thats ok....I ONLY want to loose my rolls and stomach! I have lots of exercise equipment BUT I am too lazy..........

Can anyone suggest anything....I am desperate???????????

Monday, March 5, 2007

I'm Pissed!!

So, my wife is going in for surgery next week. My mother in law decided that my father in law needs to come home to "take care of her". Now, why is it that I'm not capable of taking care of my wife????? Every other time she's been sick over the last 7 years I've been perfectly capable of taking care of her, but now for some reason I'm not able to?! She says that it's so that I don't have to use up all my vacation time, but seeing as my wife's going to be out of work .. umm that's using her vacation time!!! Where the hell am I going to go without her??????

FUCKING meddling pain in my ass!!!!! She always has to have her way and of course my wife is such a fucking momma's girl that she lets her do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Feeling a bit ... upset

So yesterday I left work early to accompany my wife to her doctor's appointment. Appointment went ok so we leave and she has to stop by her brother's work to get some money from him for the cell phone bill. The cell phone bill that we added him to because he doesn't have the credit to have a phone in his own name. Apparently a HUGE fight starts between the two of them which involves them screaming at each other outside of his workplace. I wasn't present, but the fight was essentially about me. Her brother doesn't like me and he doesnt like the fact that my wife refuses to listen to him bitch and complain about his daughter's mother. She has repeatedly told him that it has nothing to do with her and she doesn't want to hear about it. I have no idea what his problem is with me nor do I give a rats ass. He pissed her off so much that she's done with him. She's canceling his cell phone and basically disowning him because he essentially wants her to chose him over me and she won't do that.

I've never been very close to my in-laws because I never felt like part of the family. I know that has a lot to do with the fact that I'm married to their daughter which obviously comes with some issues from her mother. My MIL always dreamed of her daughter being the ultimate girl - prom, wedding, husband, kids, etc. When my wife came out to her her senior year her mother didn't react very well. I am not her first girlfriend by any means, but she is/was mine. Her mother has never really "approved" of our relationship for that reason. She was afraid that I would hurt her and I can completely understand that, but that was over seven years ago. I also had a child from my previous relationship.

Since we've been together my wife has always treated my daughter as her own. Her family has treated our daughter as their own as well. My wife legally adopted our daughter last year after we got married to make sure that if anything were to happen to me our family could stay together. Then, my BIL got his screw friend (aka psycho bitch) pregnant. Now, keep in mind that up until she got pregnant NONE of the family knew who she was. Once their child was born our daughter got pushed out of the picture. I understand that their child is actually biologically their grandchild and our daughter is not, but I didn't think that would have much barring on their relationship with our daughter as my FIL is not my BIL's biological father. It was much like our situation. My MIL was previously married and had a child when she met/married my FIL. I was wrong. Whenver my in-laws are here they are up their grandchild's ass. They are constantly taking her for the day/overnight. My daughter noticed this and was upset as she considers them her grandparents and has for the last seven years.

Since my BIL decided that he hates me I've been treated even less like family and more like a stranger. However, they treat his daughter's mother like family. My MIL is constantly calling her and talking to her and telling her that she is part of the family. This same girl who had their son arrested. The same girl who had a restraining order against him claiming that he beat her. The same girl who, for MONTHS, wouldn't allow him or his family to see their daughter. Now, my MIL doesn't talk to me. I used to get e-mails from her just chatting or stupid forwards, but not anymore. For christ sake I'm MARRIED to their daughter. I'm not going anywhere.

I'm really pissed off and hurt by the way that I'm being treated and I didn't even do anything to deserve it!!! I did nothing wrong and I'm the one being blackballed by the family. Now, I have no desire to be around her family. I don't want to go see them for her mother's birthday because he's going to be there with her and their daughter. I'm just supposed to smile and act like everything is ok?

Ummm .. NOPE that's not me and I refuse to pretend.