Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Those Moments...

It's funny how
if I look back on the moments of my life
that are worth remembering,
you're almost always a part of them.
How did that happen?
How did our lives become these series of interwoven moments
that we now lovingly refer to as
'our history'.
It is our history and nobody can ever take that away.
I like that.
I like knowing that I know you in a way that most people don't...
...and you know me just as well.
It's comfortable,
it's comforting,
it's another one of those 'moments'
that makes me proud to call us friends.
I know life isn't always easy
& things are gonna get tossed our way that we don't expect
& might have a hard time getting through,
but I also know that with each other at our sides
& our friendships to fall back on,
we're gonna do alright.

'Moments' will happen in our lives
that make us realize that we're not only better for knowing each other,
but truly blessed as well.
Life goes by all too fast,
and tonight,
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know
that you mean the world to me
& I'm happy you're in my life...

...& even though you don't always believe me,
I truly do love you in a way that I have no words to express it that give it justice.
Maybe someday, you'll see yourself through my eyes...
...& when that happens,
you'll understand how I feel.
Until then, know that you'll always have a friend in me,
no matter what,
because you are one of my 'moments'
that I never want to end.

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