Monday, February 5, 2007

Oh there's a sweet lil' head I'd like to hatchet. Her name is Ego-Whore. Being cool is her crack,baby.

She's destroyed the heart of one of my dearest 'n best friends (Spaceboy), is continuing to destroy the heart of another (Shiny Torn) and because she was my best friend, I can safely say she destroyed mine (for awhile but I am steel, i tell you, STEEL ; )

Spaceboy is staying with us for awhile and he drinks and he drinks and he drinks.

He has since I've known him, tho' I'd say it got worse,ah, right about the time she left him for Shiny, offered to still service him sexually in exchange for the apple mac and his double bed and called the house we all shared the next night to see if she could bring Shiny home. Ja.

So for Spacey- Jagermeister for breaky until the last hospitality career facilitated beer at 3am. HEALTHY.

Not to mention (I'm barefoot, I can mention!) that I have this weird knack of seeing what I call 'The Mark' on (or above people). Ok we'll be getting a little strange here but bear with me..... When I meet someone not only do I sense and feel and read what they are thinking/feeling I can usually see a fucking split second mindblowing montage of their past and some future (dependant on their future choices, which are, pardon me, often fuckin braindead parodies of what they could and FUCKING SHOULD be doing) ah, I digress.....

People who have 'The Mark' are flattish in the area of future. I can't see them old. Just can't. And I feel a grief akin to having just found out they are terminally ill. It sounds like delusions of grandeur I know or at least some wierd schizophrenic action but I haven't met many with 'The Mark', (Glory b 2 GAWD ) but those I have, have died. (Apparently even as a young baby I was terribly averse to sick people, even before they knew they were sick)
Haysoos, this here's honesty.

Ah my point is Spaceboy has The Mark and he is one of my dearest friends and the process is accelerating and SHE made it worse. Dirty Parasitical Egomanical Ska/unk Whore Bitch.

(And once I loved her: I think that's the craw-stickin' bit, I loved her, WTFUCK is wrong with me???!!!!)

Spacey is 24 and has already been told by the doctor he has the body of a 70 yr old man. Yeah. He parties.

I have just been outside having a conversation with him & he has admitted to me that he knows exactly what's happening and exactly what will transpire and he CAN't stop it. Just can't.

I have moved safely through the stages of grief and am firmly and necessarily stuck at anger. I'm a firm believer in the power of thought and with each (involuntary??) imagining of Ego-Whore's lil' head crashing firmly into a brick wall with a satisfying thud, I can only hope she is at least getting a headache.

I don't wanna feel like this.... I'm nice. But after supporting her for a year or more, assuming (ass- u- me: yeah) she'd give ah..... working a go. Or at least maybe dishes. At the very least..... activity.

After still having a $6000 student loan to pay back from time I lived with her lazy selfish ass. (Judge Judy would slaughter me for that one)
After seeing the swift downfall of my beautiful Spaceboy.
After having Shiny wrenched away from me and fucked up even more.
After watching Parasitical Ego-Whore's brother (My boyfriend) fail and get kicked out of school (despite the fact he's a FUCKING GENIUS) coz he was the only one left at our house to care for the weeping aching para-fucking-lytic pieces of Spaceboy........

I'm, ah, how u say..... a wee.... bit..... angwy.

You know what tho' fellow feeters??? The thing....... the thing that really gets me tonight
(On Shiny's birthday)
is that when Spaceboy ran into her tonight (in all her pretentious glory) (Small towns, who'd live in 'em!)

(Books+Me=DeepEverlastingEntirely Co-Dependant LOVE)

(I am not petty nor trivial nor MEAN ; )
(Nor Shallow) (as a general rule)


And I tell u what, if I see that bitch reading ANY of his books then I will draw the FUCKING Mark myself.

Love, BabyBare xxx

1 comment:

barefootblogger said...

Girl, you can use actual names you know. LOL It's why this is 'BAREFOOT BLOGGING'... everything anonymous, remember? LOL Anyhoo, so much for adhering to my own assvice, I list my SDF's according to number and/or biggest reasons they piss me off! LOL

I'm sorry that shit is so rough right now, tell whore bitch to lay off the GOOD LITERATURE & stick to what she must clearly know best... 'trashy romance novels'. LOL

