To My Wife
Darlin Wife,
Why is it that whenever something has to be done I am the one who has to do it??? Last night I had my WW Meeting and I wasn't going to be home until after 7. I knew that I'd be home late and YOU knew that every Thursday I have my meeting so I asked you to take something out of the freezer and pop it in the micro so it would be thawed when I got home. I was starving and wanted to be able to make dinner so do you think in the HOUR AND A HALF that you were home you could of done this?! Nope!!!!! Instead you pull the "i didn't know what to take out" bullshit. So now it's 7:30 and I have to defrost porkchops, shake & bake them so we don't eat until 8:15!!! THEN you have the NERVE to get pissy with me because our daughter was up late!!!! Are you fucking kidding me?
On Friday's I go to Yoga/Pilates at the gym. I've been doing it every Friday for the last month. So last night you decide to throw a little fit about how if I go then that means our daughter will be at my parents house "having fun" and she won't be in bed on time. I realize she's grounded and that she's supposed to be in bed by 7 as part of said punishment. If I went to Yoga I would get out at 6:30 and I'd be home around 7, but dinner wouldn't be ready so she'd have to stay up and eat. Why? because you're too fucking lazy to get off your ass and MAKE dinner!!!!! So instead you'll sit on the couch and watch tv or play on the computer until *I* get home and make dinner!
So now I have to skip my yoga class and come straight home after work so that our daughter can be home, fed and in bed by 7 because she's grounded. Hey, what do you care, you're not the one missing out on anything now are you???????
While you're at it clean the house too.
Wow I now know that there just has to be 1 in every relationship. I hear you on all of this.
I love her to death, but sometimes I just want to shake the living shit out of her!!
I went to Yoga and she managed to feed herself AND our daughter! Although she went the take-out route, but hey I didn't have to cook! :)
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