Friday, January 5, 2007


Ok so my brother-in-law's ex is a complete pain in my ass!!! They have a child togehter therefore we all have to be nice to her for the sake of my neice, who I love dearly, however she drives me insane!!!!!!!

There has been all kinds of baby mama drama and we've remained on good terms. We go to the gym together cause she pays for my membership - which is great for me! She just irritates me because she thinks she knows everything since she she talks to my mother-in-law ALL THE TIME!!!!!! It's so damn annoying!! Anytime anything needs to be done at the cemetery for my brother-in-law's stone my mother in law asks her to do it even though my wife has REPEATEDLY told her that she wants to be the one taking care of that kind of stuff.

So she'll call me and say well "MIL wants so and so done" and I'll just say I KNOW THAT SHE TOLD ME YOU STUPID BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHy does she think that she's the only person who talks to my MIL???? Does she think that my wife or I don't talk to her ever?? Does she thing that just because she gave birth to their grand child she's "IN" the family??

Oh and another thing .. my wife adopted my daughter. Yup, I had her before we got together with a "boy" who is a complete waste of skin. Anywho, my MIL treats my daughter differently than she treats her other grandaughter. You can tell that she favors her because she is biologically HER grandaughter, know what I mean?? It just irritates the shit out of me!! My wife is so damn obvious because she's too busy trying to please her mom and be the perfect little daughter she'll never be because she's a big ol' lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!!


I feel better now :)

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