Thursday, January 25, 2007


I know that others have touched on this, but I feel compelled to put in my $.2 worth!!

If you are sick...and you MAY be contagious...and you work in close contact to other people.....STAY HOME!!!! I have 3 freakn people this week alone who I work with that sound like they have the freakn PLAGUE and they are all in work!!! One woman can't talk, the other one has a rattle in her chest that sounds like her lungs are trying to climb out her rib cage and the third's nose runs so much it could win the Boston marathon. And they all say the same thing "Well I feel better" or "I sound better than I did yesterday" (you mean when you were in work breathing on me) or "I was already contagious before I knew I was sick so I've already spread my germs"

ARRRRGGGHHH....I want to shoot them all. Or at the very least put them in quarantine! Look, don't get me wrong. There have been days when I've had cramps from hell, or the start of a migraine and I"ve come to work because I do understand that you don't want to use all your sick time and sometimes you figure you can muddle through. But you can't catch cramps or a migraine so the only person I'm hurting is myself. But when you're SICK, have a cold or anything like that and you have sick time , and I KNOW they all do, please be considerate of your coworkers and take a day or two to stay home.

Because if the pregnant woman gets sick...she may have to kill them all!!!

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