OMG my head is going to EXPLODE!!!!!
My brother-in-law is a complete douchebag. He doesn't like me .. why you ask? I have no fucking idea. He believes that he, and his family, are "too good" for me. He also thinks that his sister, who I married, is too good for me as well. That, I might agree with seeing as I definitely got the better deal ;). However, I think that I'm too good for him. He, after all, is 31 years old and just recently got his first apartment where he lives by himself and he only got said apartment because his ex kicked his ass out and I refused to let him move in with us and mooch off of us!!!! Oh and he doesn't even pay his own rent!!!! Mommy and Daddy do that for him. Me? I'm happily married, we have our own house and we have good reliable cars, but at the end of the day the only thing that matters to me is that I have someone to go home to. Someone who loves me unconditionally. I honestly think that is part of his problem because his friends are starting to settle down and get married and he is still single and alone.
Here's some backround -- The whole drama started when, at the request of HIS mother, I befriended his ex in order to stay in contact with my neice when all the court stuff was going on. She had a restraining order against him so he wasn't allowed to see our neice. Now during this time I was going and picking up our niece for visits so that she could see myself, my wife and her grandparents. He actually said to us "If I can't see her I don't want any of you seeing her" Can we say SELFISH FUCKING Tard?! Yes we can ;) Needless to say we all told him to piss off and that if we wanted to see her we would continue to see her and it wasn't our fault that he screwed up and couldn't see her.
Well my MIL decided that she wanted me to pick up my neice and bring her to thier house so that he could see her KNOWING that there was a restraining order barring him from seeing her. I would not agree to do that. I refused so my MIL went to niece's mother and asked if they could take her for the day and then let him see his daughter. I refused to be at any family visit/fuction where this was taking place. My MIL asked my wife to LIE to me and tell me that he wasn't going to be there ... and she did. Not only did she lie to me, but she took pictures that day of him with his daughter - ok if you're going to lie to me make sure there's not proof you dumbass!!! I will never forgive my MIL for asking my wife to lie to me. It just makes you realize how little she thinks of our relationship.
Anyways back to the present ....
I am still friends with his ex. They "get along" some what and he sees his daughter. I called his ex yesterday and he happened to be there. As soon as she picks up the phone he starts screaming in the backround about how if he wants to claim his daughter on his taxes it's none of my fucking business. Ummmm ... what the fuck?! I called to ask her a question about the gym! Then she proceeds to ask me about my experience with filing since i have a child and how the earned income works so I tell her that generally the person who makes less money gets more of an income credit when they claim the child. So she tells him that which sends him on this tyraid about how I need to mind my own fucking business. Ummmm... FUCK OFF!!!!!!
This coming from the person who took his ex's child support card {it's like a debit card they put your child support on and you can use it as such} when he was living with her because "it's his money". This same person who bitches and complains and feels inconvienced when he has to come see his daughter on the weekend instead of hanging out with his buddies and watching football. Are you fucking kidding me? He is the most selfish, self absorbed person I have EVER met in my entire life. He honestly thinks that the world revolves around him and that people have nothing better to do than talk about him and what he's doing.
So now that he hates me anytime my niece refers to me as Aunty he corrects her and tells her that my wife is only to be referred to as Aunty and that I'm just "Jane" with no Aunty attached. Yet he will acknowledge MY daughter when he speaks to her. He's such a fucking prick. I have been the MOST consistant person in our niece's life. Even when the rest of the family couldn't see her I was visiting with her and now because he's so fucking juvenile he's going to take it out on a three year old and tell her she can't call me Aunty anymore. How fucking old are you?? I'm sure that soon enough he won't "allow" me to be around her either. I'm so glad that her mother has full custody of her and that she knows he's a fucking retard. At least I know I'll be able to keep a relationship with my niece ... or at least I hope so! If I'm not "allowed" to see her my wife nor my daughter will be seeing her either since it's a package deal, you fuckwad!
I'm SO SO SO pissed off about this entire thing. I told my wife last night that I'm done playing nice. I am no longer going to acknowledge his existance on my planet nor am I going to continue to pretend to like him or even tolerate him when he is so disrepectful to me. Life is too short to spend time being nice to people that you can't stand!!!!
Sorry so long, but I had to get it out!!!!!
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