Good Cop - Bad Cop
20 Year old daughter thinks she can speak to me any old way she wants. It's not unusual for her to tell me to shut up - call me a bitch - tell me to fuck off - or any other duly inappropriate phrase. Usually husband will say "don't talk to your mother that way". This is said in such a way that she knows that this is the worst it will be - and continues on with her disrespectful ways. Yesterday she had been telling us she was getting a cell phone - and the text messaging would cost her a pretty penny - my response was maybe she should not plan to do as much text messaging to keep costs down - I was then told to shut up. Husband said his usual line and that was that. Ten minutes later daughter asked me if I had some gum (for clarification purposes, husband was on the phone at the time - in the same room) I replied that yes, I had gum. She asked for a piece. I replied no - I felt no desire to be nice to her at that moment, after the way I was treated. She stomped her foot like a 3 year old and said - loudly - yes! Give me a piece. The argument ensued - me telling her that if she couldn't talk to me with respect, I saw no need to be nice or respect her - petty stuff, really. She grabbed my purse and started rifling through it. I grabbed it away from her. It was pretty childish - but I was mad! Husband - who is still on the phone - reaches into his pocket and hands her his pack of gum......!
Later on, I let him have it! As usual, I come away looking like the bitch mom, and he is Mr. Nice Guy. He claims that he did not know that I had told her no - he thought that I just didn't have any. Whatever - but I told him that he needed to step up to the plate more, and let her have it when she is disrespectful. He claims that he does. I explained to him how his monotone "don't talk to your mother that way" did nothing. I asked him if he thought it had lessened the disrespect? His response was "well what was I supposed to do"? I said that "if my kid was talking to my wife that way, she would get popped in the mouth each and everytime she did it - until she realized that talking that way was not going to fly in this house". He didn't have much to say to that - but hopefully it sunk in. We really never hit our kids - we've never believed that threats or hitting was a way to parent - but when you have a kid who has zero respect - and out weighs and towers over the mom - and uses her size to intimidate, I think it is justified. I feel like I am not welcome in my own home. If it was just me - she would be out of here.
Thank you for validating my feelings - I was beginning to wonder if I was way off....
My response to the texting argument would have been something along the lines of "That's nice. If you're buying your own cell phone and plan, you're footing your own bill, so why are you telling me this?"
And you really should have just backhanded her about the whole gum thing. But I believe the verbal backhand to the husband was indeed the correct thing to do. The couch is always a good punishment as well, LOL.
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