Tuesday, January 30, 2007

She didn't do this again

My two girls take dancing classes in the evening. They go there twice a week. When i drop them off, they expect me to be there (security thing). I have no problem with this because I can catch up by doing my reading.

Well, there is a Mom who comes but she brings her whole family with her (minus husband - who is helpless but that's another story). The middle child is the one taking the dancing class but she brings her whole troop because catch this, she wants to go for a walk with another mother there. She leaves the oldest (girl - 8 yrs old) to babysit the youngest (boy - 3 yrs old). She tells the oldest to watch and take care the youngest. Well you know the youngest can stay still for a couple of minutes and he start screaming. The older sister is trying to keep him quiet and do her best. This is causing a big commotion in the room. When the mother comes back from her walking, the oldest is trying to tell the Mom what had happened. You know what she does, she ignors the daughter but firmly telling the daughter why she need to go out walking. Excuse me, if you have time to go walking, you need to make time to spend quality time with your kids. A couple of the Mom who knows her say she does so much that she forgets her priorities. I can tell because leaving a child alone to take care of a sibling is really wrong.

Oh, the reason she feel she can leave her youngest there with the oldest is she needs help, all the other Mom around will help. We kind of look at her and shook our heads.

The Moms around are ignoring this whole thing because apparently she does this at other functions (we live in a small town). She signs up to bring snacks but forgets. She always speak negatively to people. She always kiss up to teacher. I try to help her at the beginning but I got smart in what she is trying to do. Every time she brings her kids into the studio, I go to the other side of the room.


Dayngr said...

Someone should pull her aside and drop a subtle hint.

twobabesathome said...

You know what, I don't even talk to this mother. At the beginning, the other mothers and I in the group would say things to her and she just don't get it. So we all basically just look up when she come in with her kids and we go back to what we were doing before she come in. This is sad but her reputation follows her.